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  • 语言:中文
  • 游戏大小:1.01G
  • 环境:WinAll
  • 游戏厂商:
  • 更新时间:2016-10-28 11:21
  • 发售时间:
  • 游戏等级:推荐等级2
  • 游戏标签: 文明6






01. America - The Ancient Era 2:53

02. America - The Medieval Era 3:13

03. America - The Industrial Era 4:40

04. America - The Atomic Era 3:49

05. Arabia - The Ancient Era 2:39

06. Arabia - The Medieval Era 3:27

07. Arabia - The Industrial Era 4:00

08. Arabia - The Atomic Era 3:51

09. Aztec - The Ancient Era 1:22

10. Aztec - The Medieval Era 2:44

11. Aztec - The Industrial Era 3:34

12. Aztec - The Atomic Era 3:30

13. Brazil - The Ancient Era 2:44

14. Brazil - The Medieval Era 4:05

15. Brazil - The Industrial Era 3:53

16. Brazil - The Atomic Era 3:34

17. China - The Ancient Era 1:56

18. China - The Medieval Era 3:36

19. China - The Industrial Era 3:35

20. China - The Atomic Era 3:19

21. Egypt - The Ancient Era 2:12

22. Egypt - The Medieval Era 3:11

23. Egypt - The Industrial Era 6:02

24. Egypt - The Atomic Era by 5:37

25. England - The Ancient Era 1:59

26. England - The Medieval Era 4:09

27. England - The Industrial Era 3:59

28. England - The Atomic Era 3:42

29. France - The Ancient Era 3:07

30. France - The Medieval Era 3:14

31. France - The Industrial Era 3:32

32. France - The Atomic Era 3:28

33. Germany - The Ancient Era 1:37

34. Germany - The Medieval Era 3:47

35. Germany - The Industrial Era 4:01

36. Germany - The Atomic Era 3:59

37. Greece - The Ancient Era 1:22

38. Greece - The Medieval Era 3:13

39. Greece - The Industrial Era 4:18

40. Greece - The Atomic Era 4:00

41. India - The Ancient Era 2:05

42. India - The Medieval Era 3:25

43. India - The Industrial Era 4:52

44. India - The Atomic Era 4:38

45. Japan - The Ancient Era 2:44

46. Japan - The Medieval Era 4:05

47. Japan - The Industrial Era 3:43

48. Japan - The Atomic Era 3:40

49. Kongo - The Ancient Era 1:57

50. Kongo - The Medieval Era 3:43

51. Kongo - The Industrial Era 3:09

52. Kongo - The Atomic Era 3:05

53. Norway - The Ancient Era 1:21

54. Norway - The Medieval Era 3:09

55. Norway - The Industrial Era 3:31

56. Norway - The Atomic Era 3:53

57. Rome - The Ancient Era 2:01

58. Rome - The Medieval Era 3:39

59. Rome - The Industrial Era 5:39

60. Rome - The Atomic Era 4:40

61. Russia - The Ancient Era 2:19

62. Russia - The Medieval Era 3:57

63. Russia - The Industrial Era 4:34

64. Russia - The Atomic Era 4:18

65. Scythia - The Ancient Era 1:30

66. Scythia - The Medieval Era 3:56

67. Scythia - The Industrial Era 4:23

68. Scythia - The Atomic Era 4:11

69. Spain - The Ancient Era 1:17

70. Spain - The Medieval Era 3:49

71. Spain - The Industrial Era 4:33

72. Spain - The Atomic Era 4:13

73. Sumeria - The Ancient Era 2:34

74. Sumeria - The Medieval Era 3:27

75. Sumeria - The Industrial Era 3:17

76. Sumeria - The Atomic Era 3:05

01 - Civilization IV - Original Civilization Theme Music.ogg

02 - Civilization II - Incan Theme.ogg

03 - Civilization II - Intro Theme.ogg

04 - Civilization III - Menu.ogg

05 - Civilization III - Smash.ogg

06 - Civilization III - Stars.ogg

07 - Civilization III - Techno.ogg

08 - Civilization IV - Unused Opening.ogg

09 - Civilization IV - AncientMusic1.ogg

10 - Civilization V - Menu Theme.ogg

11 - Civilization V - Elizabeth Peace - England - I Vow to Thee, My Country.ogg

12 - Civilization V - Elizabeth War - England - I Vow to Thee, My Country.ogg

13 - Civilization V - Genghis Khan Peace - Urtiin Duu.ogg

14 - Civilization V - Pedro II War - Brazil - Chega de Saudade.ogg

15 - Civilization VI - America - The Medieval Era.ogg

16 - Civilization VI - Arabia - The Industrial Era.ogg

17 - Civilization VI - Brazil - The Industrial Era.ogg

18 - Civilization VI - Greece - The Atomic Era.ogg

19 - Civilization VI - India - The Ancient Era.ogg






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