

来源:乐游原创 日期:2010/9/21 11:01:57 作者:乐游
962乐游网首页游戏资讯 业界动态 → 《神鬼寓言3》成就名单揭晓

[乐游网导读]随着《神鬼寓言3》发布日期的日渐临近,完整的成就名单已经出现在了Xbox 360的成就榜单上。总共有50名玩家可挣得共计1000个玩家积分。


随着《神鬼寓言3》发布日期的日渐临近,完整的成就名单已经出现在了Xbox 360的成就榜单上。



The Guild Seal(10)- 释放你的英雄潜力

And So it Begins(20) - 赢得居民的支持

Swift Justice (20) - 赢得Swift Brigade支持

The Resistance (50) - 赢得波尔斯顿的支持

Distant Friends (20) - 赢得奥罗拉的支持

The Ruler of Albion (80) - 成为阿尔比恩统治者

For Albion! (80) - 尾翼锁定

Save the Princess! (10) - 探索50个地点

Ghost Brothers (10) - 确信Sam和Max回到家中喝茶时间

The Dark Sanctum (10) - 恢复一个古老的,邪恶的寺庙

Island Paradise (10) -建立德里夫特伍德岛

Knight Jumps Chesty (10) - 击败自己的傲慢

Coronation Chicken (10) - 判决执行一个王室

Spellweaver (5) - Combine two gauntlets to cast a "woven" spell

Archmage (20) - 铸造所有15个可能的拼写组合

Total Warrior (10) - 近战攻击、攻击范围和咒语攻击

Pull! (10) - 发送到空中飞行的敌人并将其杀死

Gunning for Glory (20) - 使用火器杀死500个敌人

If it Bleeds, We Can Kill It (20) -  使用近战武器杀死500个敌人

Wizard's Revenge (20) -使用魔法杀死500敌人

Super Hero (50) - Fully upgrade your Melee, Ranged, and Magic abilities on the Road to Rule

You Can't Bring Me Down (50) - Complete Fable III without being knocked out in combat

My Weapon's Better Than Yours (25) - Complete 3 unique upgrades on one of the legendary weapons found around Albion

I Am the Keymaster (30) - 收集50个银钥匙和4金钥匙

Flower Power (30) - 收集30朵Auroran花

Gnome Invasion (30) - 消灭所有50个侏儒

Brightwall Book Club (30) - 为Brightwall学院收集30本珍藏本的书籍

Digger (15) -挖50个项目

We Need Guns, Lots of Guns (20) - 收集所有50个传奇武器

Fashion Victim (20) - 收集每一个服装项目

He's a Woman. She's a Man (5) - Wear a full set of clothing intended for the opposite sex.

Dye Hippie, Dye (5) - Dye each part of an outfit you're wearing a different color and have long hair

Hand in Hand (5) - 双手按住人

Long Distance Relationship (10) - 跟另一个 Xbox Live玩家结婚

Cross-Dimensional Conception (10) - 跟另一个Xbox Live玩家生孩子

Render Unto Caesar (30) - Complete Render Unto Caesar

Online Merger (10) - Enter into a businss partnership with another Xbox Live player

Barrel of Laughs (10) - 用爆炸性桶杀死30个敌人

We Can Be Heroes (10) - Earn 1000 gold in henchman wages in another hero's world

Kaboom! (10) - Score 2000 on the Mourningwood Fort mortar game

Lute Hero Tour (10) - Play in each town as a 5 star lute player

Touched by a Hero (10) - 接触20个不同的人并进行互动

Popularity Contest (15) - 交20个朋友

Remodeling (10) - 通过改变家具的摆放重塑5种不同的房子

Magnate Personality (50) - 建立一个价值2,000,000的黄金帝国

Crime Spree (10) - Get a 15,000 gold bounty placed on your head

Henry VIII (10) - As a ruler of Albion, get married 6 times and kill 2 of your spouses

Chest Grandmaster (40) - Unlocked all of the chests on the Road to Rule

Tough Love (10) - Save the maximum amount of Albion citizens

Adopt or Die (5) - 领养儿童


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